Thursday, June 02, 2005

The Cabin

Many moons ago when the kids were little, our family moved up to the mountains in Northern California. The property we were living on belonged to my then husband's family. His grandfather had bought 15 acres for a bottle of whiskey and I believe $2. He built a cabin on the property some 45 years before we came to live there.
It was situated down in a canyon almost two miles from the nearest neighbor. There was a year round creek several hundred feet from the cabin, with several apple trees, of which today I never tasted apples so sweet . Because it was so far from the main road there was no electricity, no running water (unless you count the creek), no indoor plumbing and of course no phone. We did have a natural spring which ran down the side of the hill in the winter time.
The road into the cabin property was a little over a mile long and a real pain in the winter time. Because it was dirt, or maybe clay would be more accurate it could be a real adventure going in or out.
The cabin was two stories with three bedrooms, I guess you could call them bedrooms. The upstairs was never completely finished so half of it was used for a bedroom the other half stuff was just stored on the rafters.
Heat was provided from a 50 gallon drum turned into a stove. We had propane run lights,Icebox and cook stove. There were the three 'bedrooms' and the living room/kitchen area. It was small but suited our need at the time.
We originally moved there because we had no other place to live at the time and we didn't have to pay rent. At first I thought we would only be there a few months, but those few months turned into four years.
I use to tell everyone we were reliving "Little House on the Prairie". In fact I use to read those books to the kids and even got the idea to make homemade applesauce for the first time. Which was pretty darn good I might add.
I learned to wash clothes on rocks down at the creek, how to tell what kind of animal left what footprint and more importantly how to really trust the good Lord to take care of us.
I intend to use this blog to tell the stories of that period in our lives. It was a great time but also a rough and sometimes frustrating time. Yet it was a period I believe my children and I had to experience to get where we are today good or bad.

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